Monday, January 14, 2019


Because i'm a Muslim we don't celebrate Christmas but i observe that Christmas is celebrated every month of December because Christians believe that it is the birth of Christ. These celebration is a very special celebration for the Christians because during this celebration many people felt happy because all of their family members that are in other places go home to celebrate Christmas  together.

For the Christians Christmas is unforgettable for them. I also observe that during this celebration all of the people give gifts for other people and they also have the "simbang gabi" one of my classmate said that if you complete the 9 masses your wish will be granted.

This is only what i observe about the Christmas celebration of the Christians every year.


  1. You really meant every word and it's kinda cool that you put your religion in making this article

  2. Knowing you belong to another religion, you still love our saviour. Keep showing and spreading love to others and the time will come for you to be loved too!



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