Monday, January 14, 2019


This grading is one of the best grading in ICT 10 because i learn so many things but there are also problems that i encounter during this quarter one is the time, i have consume a lot of time doing a one activity but because of our teacher it help us make our activity easier by teaching us what to do.

i hope that this next grading there will be more lessons and i will learn more.


Because i'm a Muslim we don't celebrate Christmas but i observe that Christmas is celebrated every month of December because Christians believe that it is the birth of Christ. These celebration is a very special celebration for the Christians because during this celebration many people felt happy because all of their family members that are in other places go home to celebrate Christmas  together.

For the Christians Christmas is unforgettable for them. I also observe that during this celebration all of the people give gifts for other people and they also have the "simbang gabi" one of my classmate said that if you complete the 9 masses your wish will be granted.

This is only what i observe about the Christmas celebration of the Christians every year.


God created men and women and all us as are equal and for that all of us deserve equal rights but time passes by and many of our rights have violated and some faced discrimination just because are different from each other.

As i said earlier time passes by, so today our world has progressed. New technology have been made and some change specially about the human rights although some human rights are still been violated but it decrease in number not like before that women are only a housewife but now women become more active and positive, women can have their own job,education, and more.

So we must promote equality and respect others even if we are different in color,culture,religion and etc. we must accept them for what they are.

children's month celebration

Being a child is one of the unforgettable experience in our whole life because of that time we experience different happiness. But nowadays many of the children's are being abused that can be a reason that will affect the child's growth.

Here in the Philippines we celebrate children's month every month of October  and the theme for this year is "kahirapan ay wakasan, karapatan ng bata ipaglaban". For me the theme means that we must protect the rights of the children. Being a children we need to feel that there are people who care about us that's why our parents are there to make us feel that we are not alone. 

In addition as a children we must love our parents as a sign of thank you for them, and have fear in god because god is that one who created us and lastly we must study hard for our future.


Every year Vigan City celebrate the Kannawidan Festival where they had a lot of food stalls and trade fair was held. There are also competit...